

健康和保健中心位于Ira H. Rubenzahl学生学习共享区(B19), 177室. 办公室星期一到星期四上午8点开放.m. - 5点和周五早上8点.m. - 4 p.m. 我们的电话号码是413-755-4230,传真号码是413-755-6045.

健康与保健中心全年开放,接受病人评估. 一名全职医师助理在学校提供预约和上门服务. 校园警察负责处理所有校园紧急事件.

Some over-the-counter medications are available in a dispenser located in the lobby of the Health and Wellness Center.

We have a variety of pamphlets and other resources on health and wellness as well as medical conditions and treatments.

春田技术社区学院致力于十大彩票平台的医疗保健需求. 学生和员工可以使用自助室. 可用于哺乳, wound care, 自我给药, 冥想和其他反思练习, 以及几乎所有其他合法的医疗需求. 自我护理室位于19号楼健康中心177室. 这个房间先到先得. 房间使用限制在每隔30分钟, 是否受学生行为准则和所有其他适用的学院政策的约束.

Proof of tetanus & 百日咳(Tdap)在过去十(10)年, 2剂麻疹, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine and 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine as well as evidence of Varicella (chickenpox) immunity. Additionally, students aged 16-21 are required to submit documentation of Menactra or Menveo vaccination after the age of 16. 马萨诸塞州的所有高中和大学都要求接种这些疫苗. 学生可以提交以前学校的免疫记录副本. 如果没有儿童或学校的疫苗接种记录,学生可以进行血液检查, called a titer, 证明对上述疾病有免疫力. Students enrolled in an Early Childhood program or Behavioral Science program have additional requirements.

如果学生因年龄或无法找到他/她的记录而需要重新接种疫苗, 有许多地点和诊所可以接种疫苗, 有些以较低的速度.

所有运动员必须每年提交一份参赛前评估. 参加体育运动前必须提交镰状细胞特征弃权书. 如果他们没有自己的医生,需要进行身体检查, 这项服务是在健康中心预约提供的.


州法律要求所有人都要投保. Students enrolled in nine (9) credits or more are automatically enrolled in a policy and the cost is added to the student's bill. 给学生发了一本小册子,描述他/她的好处, 一旦支付了账单,学生就会收到一张保险钱包卡. 保险金额列在保险单上 大学健康计划网站. 保险期限为9月1日至8月31日. If a student is only enrolled in the spring semester then the coverage is from January 1st to August 31st.

如果学生已经投保,额外的保险费用可能会被免除. 放弃保险是在网上完成的 大学健康计划网站.

学生应该选择接受学生保险的初级保健医生. 健康中心目前不接受保险.

Students enrolled in Workforce Training programs that require health insurance verification and are in need of health insurance coverage should contact one of the following organizations for enrollment assistance:

康涅狄格居民:获取健康CT可通过电话1-855-805-4325或在线访问 访问健康CT网站

马萨诸塞州居民:健康联络员可通过电话1-877-623-6765或十大彩票平台 马萨诸塞州健康连接器网站



  1. Go to the c4hubs.com website
  2. Select eTools > 十大彩票平台NetPortal
  3. 使用您的十大彩票平台帐户凭据登录

有使用Health and Wellness Center Dropbox的说明 H&WC portal page.



You may contact the Health and Wellness Center's office via CHAT NOW feature (bottom right of this screen), email healthservices@c4hubs.com, 或致电(413)755-4230.

The student Health Record Requirements for your program are linked in your acceptance email and are available on the 健康和保健中心页面 under 每个项目的健康表格.

所需的表格在清单中有超链接,也位于 健康与保健中心的十大彩票平台Net/门户网页 and/or 运行状况合规性十大彩票平台Net/门户页面.

The H&WC只会在校园缩减期间通过学生邮件发送提醒/通讯. 请定期检查您的学生邮件,并在课间休息. Promptly update address and phone number changes through the Registrar’s Office for when postal notifications resume.


First speak with your provider about your safety and the safety of others as most programs have fieldwork in the first semester.  在那次讨论之后, you must prepare a dated and detailed action plan for how you are planning to meet the requirement by the program start date.

Speak with your provider about your safety and the safety of others because most programs have fieldwork in the first semester.  在讨论之后,您必须准备一份 日期和详细的行动计划,以满足豁免部分的要求 as follows.



“我过去注射过三剂乙肝疫苗.  My recent titer on __/__/__ shows no immunity (negative indeterminate or equivocal result) and I will not meet the deadline of ___/__/___. I have spoken to my provider about my safety and risk of exposure knowing that I am likely to have fieldwork in my first semester.  Based on that discussion here is my DATED and detailed action plan for meeting the “proof of immunity” requirement:

  1. 乙型肝炎疫苗第四剂(第二系列的第一剂)接种日期.___/___/___
  2. 第五剂(第二系列的第二剂)日期___/___/___(如果不适用), 从您的计划中删除)
  3. 第六剂(第二系列第三剂)日期. This date will vary by provider so determine if it will be 16 weeks between dose 1 and 3 or 5 months between doses 2 and 3?  ___/___/___(如果不适用,从您的计划中删除)
  4. 我的提供商将检查以下豁免权(您必须指明是哪一项):[]booster  or  []系列中期或[]系列后期. 乙型肝炎(HBsAb)滴度将于___年___月___日测定. 
  5. 如果滴度结果没有显示免疫, 我将提交所有相关记录,然后联系健康中心了解如何进行.

I understand that this extension request(s) will be denied until I provide actual/approximate dates and an indication that I have discussed the plan with my provider.  如果这个行动计划是令人满意的, I understand that the Director of Health Compliance may review my request with my academic program to determine my ability to participate in the program and/or fieldwork component.  I understand the program is bound contractually and by accrediting bodies to meet many requirements for my safety as well as the safety of others. 

如果这个行动计划是可以接受的参与, 我明白我将收到安全邮件通知到我的十大彩票平台学生邮箱.  收到此信后, I will review the conditions of the extension and verify that I am able and willing to comply with these terms. I understand that failure to meet any of the conditions as noted in this extension letter may result in my removal from the program.”

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End OF TEMPLATE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

你可在把所有相关记录送交劳工处后完成申请&WC. 打开表格并完成以下部分: Please explain the reason for your request and how you plan to meet the health record requirements for your program: by pasting your 日期和详细的行动计划,以满足要求 如前所述.

你的行动计划是否被计划所接受, 您将收到安全邮件通知到十大彩票平台学生的电子邮件帐户. 收到此信后, you must carefully review the conditions of the extension and verify that you are able and willing to comply with these terms. 不符合这些条件可能会导致你被开除.