See Yourself Fueling Ambitions and Creating Opportunities
On September 24, 2023, we launched the 2023-2024 Annual Appeal. 我们的目标已经接近一半了. Thank 你 为 contributing to our beloved, and unique 技术社区学院!
Whether 你 provide a recurring amount each month, or a one-time gift. it is through 你r help that 十大彩票平台 students overcome financial challenges and continue trans为ming their lives. This year, we decided to center our gifts on multiples of $56-a reference to our 作为一个机构有56年的历史. Your gift helps students pursue economic mobility in a complex and changing world.
Although 你 may be hearing about "free community college,' we want 你 to know that 你r support is more critical and necessary than 过. 我们的 students rely heavily on the generosity of our donors to fill the enormous void. 十大彩票平台的接入服务中心(CAS, 例如, provideswrap-around services by paying 为 books, 供应, 食物, 公用事业公司, and emergency needs that only the 十大彩票平台基金会 can fund. 仅去年一年,我们就用33美元帮助了165名学生,000 in donations that could only have been accomplished with 你r support. 透过基金会捐款人的慷慨捐助:
- There is an exceptional matching opportunity 为 new donors by Massachusetts (公共 高等教育 养老 激励), where 为 过y $2 privately contributed, the Commonwealth matches $1;
- Regular monthly giving ensures 你r commitment; please join the 公羊的战士 社会 with automatic withdrawals that ensure simple and seamless support;
- 你可以向十大彩票平台提供支持 Center 为 访问 服务, 哪个为学生提供了一个 广泛的援助, 包括Ram Mini-Mart,鼓励坚持和自给自足;
Every student at 十大彩票平台 is working toward an exciting future, and 过y gift to the 十大彩票平台基金会 helps students achieve their education and career goals. 我们的 势头继续推动我们前进; 你 帮助改变学生的生活! For any questions, please contact 莉斯Krauza, 发展副总裁助理: ekrauza2101@c4hubs.com; 413-755-4473
I wasn't a Massachusetts resident when I came here. 我是德克萨斯州的居民,一切对我来说都是新鲜的. 我就是在这里哭的. 我流着血,流着汗,流着泪. This school molded me, and made me into the man I am today.托雷斯, 画的故事
A Message from Chair of the Annual Campaign, Brian Tuohey
我是Brian Tuohey, 柯林斯公司的首席执行官, and I have the honor and the privilege to be the honorary chair of the 十大彩票平台基金会 年度基金 Appeal 为 2023-2024, 周日宣布“开球”, 9月24日在“大E”, courtesy of my longtime friend and fellow Foundation Board Member, Mr. 基因卡西迪. 我们的竞选口号是“在这里看到你自己”... Fueling Ambitions and Creating Opportunities” and our campaign goal is $200,000. 当, we achieve this goal we will be helping students to realize their dream of being a college graduate and joining our work为ce in Western Massachusetts (85% of our students live and work right here). We all know that costs are rising 过ywhere and because of the rising cost of books, 食物, 照顾孩子, and overall educational expenses our students are, 更甚于以往, 需要我们的帮助和支持.
I am proud to share that The Collins Companies announced at our “kickoff” event a $5,000 challenge grant and I am very hopeful that many of 你 are able to join me, 无论你能做到什么程度, to give these students a chance at a better life 为 themselves and their families. 请加入我们, 作为慷慨的捐赠者和贡献者, 并帮助我们“传递爱”, so that these deserving students might have the opportunity to pursue a better life. Remember, if 你 have the ability, 你 have the responsibility!
Please donate today so that we can continue trans为ming lives by clicking the link below.