在十大彩票平台,我们营造了一种有目的的包容氛围, 一个所有人都能感到安全的环境, 有价值的, 照顾, 并有机会与彼此建立有意义的联系. 十大彩票平台重视人性的多样性, 包括性别差异在内的多样性, 年龄, 比赛, 种族, 还有国籍, 能力范围, 性取向, 性别认同, 金融手段, 教育, 政治观点.
These beliefs and practices apply to all of the programs on campus: they inform all of our decisions, including our employment decisions and commitment to our community and collaborating partners.
Every student and employee of the college shall be responsible individually and collectively for promoting and maintaining a safe environment that is conducive to learning and which emb比赛s the accords of civility and of human dignity. The college regards discrimination on the basis of 性别认同/expression to be inconsistent with the establishment of an atmosphere that supports the full eng年龄ment of students, 教师, 和工作人员. 性别认同是一个人作为男性的个人感觉, 女, 或者在性别谱系上(包括那些认为自己是变性人的人), 或者他们的性别认同是非传统的). Gender expression includes external characteristics and behaviors of 性别认同 such as dress, 言谈举止, 说话方式, 以及社会互动. 十大彩票平台 will take reasonable measures to prevent and discour年龄 all acts of intolerance and harassment on the basis of 性别认同/expression, and will investigate alleged harassment or discrimination and to affect a remedy or resolution when an allegation is determined to be valid.
任何雇员或学生,或就业或入学申请人,他/她认为他/她受到了禁止行为的约束 平权行动计划. The person or organization filing the complaint need not be a victim of the alleged discrimination but may be affected by a general hostile sexual environment or complain on behalf of another person or group.
投诉可以书面或口头提出. 残疾人也可以其他形式提出申诉,如.e. 电脑磁盘、录音带或盲文.
Complaints should be filed directly with the 反歧视行动 Officer or 第九条 Coordinator. 谈话都尽可能保密, but information about incidents of sexual misconduct may be shared with relevant administrators if the 校园 needs to take action for reasons of community safety. In all cases, the wishes of the person initiating the conversation are given full consideration.
凯瑟琳·C. Senie J.D., Ed.D.
爱尔兰共和军H. Rubenzahl学生学习共享区(B19), 153室
邮寄地址:一个军械库广场,套房1,邮政信箱9000,十大彩票平台,MA 01102-9000
除上述投诉程序外, if you believe you have been subjected to discrimination you may file a formal complaint with the governmental 年龄ncies set forth below. Filing a complaint under this Policy does not prohibit you from filing a complaint with these 年龄ncies. Each of the 年龄ncies has a short time period for filing a claim (EEOC - 300 days; MCAD -300 days). United States Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") One Congress Street 10th Floor Boston, MA 02114 (617) 565-3200. 美国民权办公室(OCR).S. 教育部部长约翰. 麦科马克邮局和法院, 波士顿222室, MA 02109 (617) 223-9662 Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination ("MCAD") Boston Office: Worcester Office: One Ashburton Place Worcester City Hall Rm. 美因街601 484号., Rm. 320波士顿,MA 02108伍斯特,MA 01608.
The 大学 will offer accommodations for persons with disabilities and individuals who are Limited English Proficient and may need help to provide information, to participate in the investigation process or access immediate interim protective measures. 请致电413-755-4426联系人力资源部.
Asistencia de Recursos Humanos para aplicar: El Colegio ofrecera comodidades para personas con discapacidades y personas con dominio limitado de Ingles y necesitan ayuda para proveer informacion, al igual que participar en el proceso de la investigacion o acceder medidas protectoras. 请联系Recursos Humanos 413-755-4426
十大彩票平台 has prepared the ASR report in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of 校园 Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. 的副本 十大彩票平台年度报告 and may also be obtained at the 校园 Police Department located in the Public Safety building, 或者拨打413-755-4220. All prospective employees may obtain a copy from the Human 资源 Office Building 16, 243室或致电413-755-4361.